has been way too long since my last update but I’ve no excuse other than my own
lack of motivation to write. So, after
cleaning up the place, let’s begin, shall we?
thing I’ve come to notice about holiday shoppers is the fact that they always
think a better sale is somewhere off in the distance. It’s like they’re Dorothy wishing upon a rainbow for some giant
tornado to come and take them to Oz.
Oz, obviously, is the local electronics store. Hey, sometimes you have to take what you can get. This last Black Friday – which, thanks to
greedy corporations, was more like Black Thursday – saw some really good
deals. Deals on nothing I really would
care about but deals, nonetheless. So
that was a few weeks ago. Yet, I still
get customers coming in who are confused about why the prices have gone back up
since then. As if everything is
supposed to remain constant through the passage of time. That’s why I’m still a young 20-year-old whippersnapper
instead of the old, dilapidated age that I am.Me: “Well… they were on sale for Black Friday. Those were really good prices.”
Super Genius Customer: “Oh… so they’re no longer on sale?”
Me: ”No, they are, but Black Friday had some REALLY good sales. Better than what they are now.”
I tend to repeat myself when I’m talking to customers because most customers are like five-year-olds with ADHD. They never pay attention.
Then the inevitable question follows:
“Do you see them going back down that low?”
Some times I’m not a hundred percent sure they’re not joking. I mean, people spent the previous two to three months just waiting to buy that big purchase because of the possibility of a Black Friday deal. Not even the guarantee – just the possibility! Then, when Black Friday comes and goes, but while the customer is still under the impression that Black Friday means every day until New Year’s Day, they finally decide to stroll in and check things out. When they see the prices have changed, they want to know when the next Black Friday-type sale will be.
Uh, next Black Friday would be my guess, but what do I know? I just work here.
They then ask when the next holiday sale might take place.
When I shrug my shoulders and shake my head in dumbfounded confusion, they throw out possible options.
Labor Day? President’s Day? Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Christmas?
MLK Jr. Day threw me for another loop because I usually associate it with solemn reflection, but I suppose we should thank corporations for ruining that for us. Christmas, however, knocked me back out of my haze.
“Black Friday kind of was our Christmas,” is finally my response.
The sad look of disappointment when they hear that is then followed by, “Well, I guess I’ll just wait and hope for the best!”
Ah, there’s that American spirit! That can-do I-can-wait-for-better attitude! HOO-RAH!
Wait for another holiday to roll around just in the nick of time as your fridge finally gives up the ghost and dies? That’s Russian Roulette that I wouldn’t want to play. Yikes! Those are the same people who come in and are upset that they can’t get next-day delivery because all their food is spoiling because they waited until the last minute to buy something.
But, I suppose that is the American spirit. You just keep waiting and hoping for a better tomorrow that may or may not come in the hopes of saving an extra ten dollars. Never lose out hope, shoppers! There’s always 300 odd days left until next Black Friday! Perhaps that 25-year-old stove that won’t heat on two of the four burners will make it. Or you could just suck it up and buy something and be done with it.
More soon from the frontlines...
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